Bridging the Gap Between Students and Education

Here at City of Dreams, we believe every student should have access to education. With virtual learning in place, many students are left without laptops, internet access, and most importantly, education. As a mission to help serve our community, we turned our community space into a community learning hub for students to easily stay on track with online classes, all while social distancing.

The sudden transition into virtual learning isn't the easiest for families with working parents or English as a second language. That's where we come in. From Mondays through Fridays, students come in to attend their online classes with the help of our staff to navigate their daily schedules.

Along with laptops and internet access, we also provide our students with breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks. A member from Playworks, an organization that focuses on building life values with the power of play, will also be coming in to facilitate fun and engaging activities. We are committed to making our community hub a safe space for students and keeping them physically and mentally healthy.

Staying safe is also a priority in our books. Masks are required at all times and students sit at the appropriate distance from one another. We have a special team that comes in every day after each session to wipe down seats, chairs, laptops, and everything in between. To be extra cautious, our staff members add in an extra wipe-down before we hand out laptops each morning. You can never be too careful!

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